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Healthier Gluten-Free Ramen Beef Burger Recipe

by Arielle J on October 30, 2014

healthy ramen burger inspired by popsugar by arielle haspel of

A few weeks ago, I attended Brooklyn’s famous Smorgasburg
and while I was there, spotted The Ramen Burger stand.

It was hard not to salivate over the burgers –
almost everyone walking around the market had one
in their hand.

But…I opted out from buying it.
The line looked about 40 minutes
long and it’s very, very rare (pardon the pun)
that I eat meat unless I know
for sure that it’s local, grass-fed or organic.

So instead of sulking my way out of the festival,
and continuing to feel regretful,
I decided to “healthify it!”

This Healthified Gluten-Free and Organic Ramen Beef Burger is the healthier version,
but as delicious, easy to make and best of all, guilt-free.

healthy ramen burger inspired by popsugar by arielle haspel of

What makes this is a Healthier Ramen Burger:
– it’s made with “healthified” cleaner ingredients
– brown rice and millet ramen vs. white flour ramen noodles
– ramen that is sauteed vs. fried
– cooked in good quality oil
– beef burger made with fresh, local, grass-fed meat
– seasoned with gluten-free soy sauce (tamari)
– topped with delicious vegetables, like avocado, onions, tomato, kale AND
a fresh “certified humane” pasture-raised egg from the Farmers Market
– topped with non-corn syrup ketchup
– served with home-made sweet potato fries.

This recipe was adapted from Popsugar Food Online Ramen Burger Video.
It was originally inspired by Keizo Shimamoto‘s recipe
and sold at The Ramen Burger at Brooklyn, New York’s Smorgasburg market.

Popsugar’s recipe really just looked too good not to make.

Get excited…

The Healthier Organic Beef Ramen Burger
1 package gluten-free brown rice ramen noodles (2 cakes), cooked
2-4 eggs (“Certified Humane” if can find those)
2 tbs olive oil, grapeseed or coconut
2 grass-fed/organic beef burger patties
4 tsp Tamari
2 tsp Toasted Sesame oil
1 leaf kale, de-stemmed, washed and cut in big pieces
1/2 avocado
1/4 tomato
1/2 red onion
2 tbs non-corn syrup ketchup
pinch sea salt
pinch pepper

1. Cook the ramen according to the directions on the package.
2. In a small bowl, whisk 2 eggs.
3. Add the ramen to the egg mixture and mix until fully coated.
4. Divide the egg-coated ramen into four portions (which is going to make the top and bottom “bun” for two people). Wrap each portion in plastic wrap or a plastic baggie (if you have a fancy ramekin or a deli container, put it in, or just put it on a plate and then weigh it down with a can of soup to compress it into a flat bun shape. Refrigerate for at least 15 minutes.
5. Add the oil to a skillet, and set over medium-high heat.
After a few minutes (once the oil begins to shimmer/move),
take the ramen noodles
out of the baggies or containers, mold into a circular,
flat patty shape and place on pan.
Cook on each side about 5 minutes/ or until they’re dark golden brown/crispy
on both sides.Place on two plates
6. Season the hamburger patty with sea salt, pepper,
a splash of tamari, and toasted sesame oil.
Wipe out the skillet, and cook the burger over medium-high heat each side is
brown (not red) or to your liking.
7. Add another splash of tamari and toasted sesame oil. Place on plate while
you prepare the toppings.
8. (optional if you want an egg on top of your burger) Wipe out the skillet,
and lower the heat to medium. Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the pan, and fry the other 2 eggs sunny side up.
9. Assemble the burger in this order: ramen bun, ketchup, kale, burger patty,
tomato, fried egg, avocado and the second ramen bun.
10. Place on a plate (or wrap in wax paper for easier eating), serve hot and start salivating.

Makes: 2 Ramen Burgers

How much do you love me?

Post a picture of your Healthy Organic and Gluten-Free Beef Ramen Burger creation on instagram
and tag me @bewellwitharielle!

This recipe is a healthy version, adapted from Popsugar Food Online Ramen Burger Video.
It was originally inspired by Keizo Shimamoto‘s recipe
and sold at The Ramen Burger an Brooklyn, New York’s Smorgasburg market.

P.S Craving another  healthier meat recipe? Check out my Healthy Quinoa Bolognese with Kale.

P.P.S. Want a vegetarian version of this recipe? Swap the burger with this kind of veggie burger or this split pea burger.

P.P.P.S I have a cooking series on! Check it out here and don’t forget to Treat Yourself, always!

be so delicious. be healthier. be well.
be well,

treat yourself glamour magazine be well with arielle

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