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Sweet Cardamom Roasted Nuts

by Arielle J on January 8, 2014

sweet cardamom nuts
This recipe is a healthified and simplified version of This recipe from Giada.

Great dish to serve as hors d’oeuvres at your next dinner party. Nutty, crunchy, and a tad sweet with a hint of pepper from the cardamom. Also, great to take on the go for a little boost of energy, so pack it up in a few baggies or tupperware and slip it into your bag for an afternoon snack!

Nuts: high in good fat and protein to keep your skin looking healthy and your tastebuds satiated
Coconut Oil: your liver metabolizes the fat as energy. Also ant-bacterial so good for warding off colds
Cardamom: anti-inflammatory and good for digestion. Adds a slight peppery/citrusy scent and taste.
Cinnamon: helps to lower blood pressure. Good for your heart and warming up your digestion. Brings out the sweetness from the coconut palm sugar.
Coconut Palm Sugar: derived from the top of coconut palm trees. Low Glycemic so wont make your blood sugar spike.

Sweet Cardamom Roasted Nuts
What You Need:
– 2 cups almonds (or whatever nut you prefer)
– 2 cups cashews (or whatever nut you prefer)
– 2 cups hazelnuts (or whatever nut you prefer)
– 1/4 cup coconut palm sugar
– 1 tsp cardamom
– 1 tsp cinnamon
– 2 tsps sea salt
– 1 tbsp coconut oil
– 2 egg whites (if vegan, use 3 tbsp coconut oil as alternative)

*Serves 6-8


1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees F
2. In a bowl, whisk up egg white until frothy.
3. Add all ingredients to egg white mixture and mix up nuts until all are well coated
4. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and coat the parchment with some coconut oil
5. Spread nut mixture onto parchment paper pan
6. Bake for approx 45 minutes and let cool
7. Serve in a nice bowl or put in tupperware and eat all week.
Voila. Enjoy!

*If you’re following my seasonal cleanse, omit the Coconut Palm Sugar. Also,  no need to use all of the nuts. If you only have almonds on hand, thats perfect and if you dont have cardamom, just use the cinnamon.

be nutty. be cool. be well.


be well,



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