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Be Well with Baby: How to get your body back after birth

by Arielle J on June 7, 2017

When Gemma was 3 weeks old, I was asked to speak on a panel and share my tips by trimester. It was a nighttime event and one of the first times that I left the house without Gemma. By the end of the event, my breasts felt like they were going to explode! I totally wished I had worn a looser top, and had brought my pump with me.

At the event, I spotted gorgeous Italian nursing clothes called Teat & Cosset. The owner, Peggy and I immediately hit it off and have been chatting about all things breastfeeding and business related ever since.

Read our our recent interview together here featured on the Teat & Cosset blog. 

Here’s a sneak peek at our interview:

Q: I first met you 3 weeks after you gave birth to your baby Gemma and you had no postpartum belly! Please do tell, moms all over the world would like to know your secret.

A: I can’t say it’s a secret, but I will say that as soon as I gave birth, I treated my body with the same love and care while pregnant (and to get pregnant). The morning that I gave birth, I ate hard boiled eggs and sipped on a smoothie that I had delivered to the hospital. For lunch, I ordered a grass fed cheese burger wrapped in collard green, topped with a gluten-free bun and a side of sweet potato fries. I focused on how I wanted to feel and after 40 hours of labor (with a cute new, delicious baby in my arms), I wanted to feel good!! 

When I got home, I made sure to start up my routine again. Everyday, I eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up and snack on protein and fiber every 2-3 hours to stabilize my blood sugar and amp up my metabolism. I also drink at least 8 ounces of water or broth in between each feeding session to assist with my milk production.

I make feeling good my priority because the better I feel, the happier I am and the better mom I can be. The flat belly came along with it:) 

Read the rest of the interview here.

In the photo above, I’m wearing a Teat and Cosset sweater. It is made of the softest fabric (in Italy) and doesn’t look like typical nursing clothes. All of their designs can also be worn with a bump during pregnancy! I have the tunic sweater (featured below), cocktail dress in teal, maxi dress in black and hot pink.  I love her clothes so much that I asked if she would offer a discount to my friends and family. Check out these fashionable nursing clothes here and use code: BEWELL15 for 15% your order. 

If you need extra help in feeling and looking your best before pregnancy, during and after, I would love to support you. I am a certified health coach and love working with clients one on one. All of my sessions are 1 hour via phone or facetime or skype. More info here or email me at to set up an appointment.

be fashionable. be practical. be fabulous

be well,


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