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Healthy Onion Rings

by Arielle J on January 28, 2015

healthy onion rings

Healthy eating to me is far more than smoothie bowls
and quinoa with kale.

I like to EAT…real foods, like pizza and onion rings!

But I know that if I ate them on the reg, I wouldn’t
feel good or look good.

So, that’s why I “healthify” people’s favorite foods –
so we can all enjoy ourselves while feeling guilt-free!

Today, I made healthy onion rings. And they taste UN-BELIEVABLY delicious.

Don’t believe me? Get into the kitchen and taste-test it yourself!

Healthy Onion Rings
1 White or Yellow Onion, sliced 1cm-thick and separated
2 Eggs
3 cups Almond Flour
1 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp Pepper
Approx 4 Tbsp Coconut Oil (or more)

1. Scramble eggs in a small bowl
2. Add almond flour, sea salt and pepper to another bowl
3. Take the onion ring slices using your hands, a fork or tongs and dip the onion into the egg. Let any excess drip off.
4. Take the coated egg onion and dip into the almond flour mixture until well coated
5. In a medium sautee pan on medium-high heat, add coconut oil and onion rings. Make sure they don’t overlap. Let each side sizzle until each side is crispy and brown. OR, lay down a parchment paper or tin foil on a cookie sheet, place onions on and broil on high until brown and crispy.
6. Take off of pan/out of oven. Lay on a plate to let any excess oil drip off
Serve and enjoy!

*Serves approx 6 people

guilt-free healthy onion rings

guilt-free healthy onion rings for superbowl sunday. clean eats by arielle haspel of


Check out my other game-time Superbowl Eats, like guilt-free nachos, pizza, chips and dip here.

Follow me on Pinterest (@bewellwitharielle) for more guilt-free game-time inspiration.

Be delicious. Be nourished. Be happy.

Be Well,

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